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Amazing Grace in G Harmonica Tab

Harp Type: Unknown
Key: G
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Any

Amazing Grace in G Harmonica Tab

Thought I’d add my rendition –

When the +notes are clustered together it inidcates that they should be blended as one note.

This means don’t pause between blows, just drag the harmonica to the next note.

When the + and – notes are clustered, it indicates a very quick in-out-in movement.


+5+6     +6    +7-7+7    +7    -8        +7    -6    +6
A–a    ma   z-in-g    graaaace, how    sweet    the    sound

+5+6    +6           +7-7+7    +7          +8+9   +9
Th-at    saved        a-a-a      wretch    li-ke    me

+7+8     +9      +8-8+8     +8        -8     +7       -6    +6
I-I        once    w-a-s      lost,    but    now    am    found

+5+6    +6         +7-7+7    +7    -7    +7
Wa-as    blind    b-u-t       now   I    see

Amazing Grace in G Lyrics

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Amazing Grace in G Harmonica Tab

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