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Cemetery Weather Harmonica Tab

Harp Type: Unknown
Key: Any
Harp Type: Any
Skill: Any

Cemetery Weather Harmonica Tab

6  6  6  6  5   5   6   5   -4
I ne-ver kn-ew what I would do
4  -5 5 -4  4   4   4   4   4   -4 -4
if a-ny-bo-dy tried to take you a-way.
4     4   6   5  -4   4
And your beau-ti-ful boy
4      6   5   -4
won’t wait for you.
4    4    4   -5  5   -4  4
Be-cause he’s bu-sy with the
4      4   4  -4     4
stars and the fa—–me.

-2 -2  -2    -4   4  3   -2
And I don’t know why I breathe.
-2   -2  -2   -4   4   3   -2
It’s ta-king too long for me.
-2  -2   4   4  -4  -4   4    5   -4
Can we speed up the pro-cess plea-se.
-2  -2  -2  -4  4  3  -2
Or show me the one I need.

6   5    -6  6  5
I need some-bo-dy.
-6   6  5
-6   6  5   -6  6 5   5   5   5  -4
Some-bo-dy cra-zy e-nough to tell me
5 -5    5   -4  -4   5
I will love you til we.
5  -5   5   -4  -4  5
I will love you til we.
-6   5  -6  6    5
Til we are bur-ied.
-6  6   5
Our bo-dies.
-6  6    5  5    5   5     5 -4  -4
Our bo-dies bu-ried close to-ge-ther.
5  -5  5 -4  -4   4
Ce-me-te-ry wea-ther.
-4 -4  5  -5 5 -4  -4   4
In the ce-me-te-ry wea-ther.

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Cemetery Weather Harmonica Tab

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