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Death Of Me Harmonica Tab

Harp Type: Unknown
Key: Any
Harp Type: Any
Skill: Any

Death Of Me Harmonica Tab

-4 -4  5  -5   6    -6
Do I have no-thing good
7    -8 -6 6
left to sa-y.
-4 -4  5   -5   6  -6  -5
Do I need whis-key to stop
7     7  7  -8  -6  6
fuel-ing my com-pla-ins.
-4   5   -5  6    -6   -5
Peo-ple love to drink their
7     7  -8 -6 6
trou-bles a-wa-y.
-4      -4  5  -5    6   -6 -5
Some-things I feel that I’d be
7    7   7   -6  -6 6
bet-ter off that wa-y.

-4  5   -5  6  -6
May-be then I could
7     -8 -6  6
sleep at ni-ght.
-4  -4      5  -5  6  -6  -5
I wouldn’t lie a-wake un-til
7    7    7  -8 -6 6
the morn-ing li-gh-t.
-4   5   -5    6    -6
This is some-thing that
7      7   -8  -6  6
I’ll never con-tro-l.
-4   -4    5   -5  6   -6   -5  7
My nerves will be the death of me.
-6 -6  6  -5
I know oh oh.
-6  -6 6  -5  6 -5
I know oh oh oh oh.
-6 -6  6  -6
I know oh oh.
-6  -6  6 -5 6 -5
I know oh oh oh oh.
-6  -6  6
I know oh.

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Death Of Me Harmonica Tab

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