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Echad Mi Yodea Harmonica Tab

Harp Type: Unknown
Key: Any
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Any

Echad Mi Yodea Harmonica Tab

This song is commonly sung during the Jewish
holiday of Passover. It is structured as follows:

1A, 1B, 1C, D, E, F, G

2A, 2B, 2C, 1C, D, E, F, G
(the attached MIDI file covers this portion)

3A, 3B, 3C, 2C, 1C, D, E, F, G

4A, 4B, 4C, 3C, 2C, 1C, D, E, F, G

and so on.

I have included note names and lyrics as a guide.
Underscores in the lyrics denote where a note
strings two words together. You can simply play the
note, or split it up (e.g., "shlosha asar" can be
played as E-A with the E covering "shlosha a" and
the A covering "sar," or E-E-E-A, with a separate E
for each syllable).

If you'd like to learn more about this song,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echad_Mi_Yodea has a
lot of extra information.

        E        A   C  C   B  A
        8       -6   7  7  -7 -6
1A:  {E-        chad mi yo-de-a?}
2A:  {Shna-     yim  mi yo-de-a?}
3A:  {Shlo-     shah mi yo-de-a?}
4A:  {Ar-       bah  mi yo-de-a?}
5A:  {Chami-    shah mi yo-de-a?}
6A:  {Shi-      shah mi yo-de-a?}
7A:  {Shiv-     ah   mi yo-de-a?}
8A:  {Shmo-     nah  mi yo-de-a?}
9A:  {Tish-     ah   mi yo-de-a?}
10A: {Asa-      rah  mi yo-de-a?}
11A: {Achad_a-  sar  mi yo-de-a?}
12A: {Shneym_a- sar  mi yo-de-a?}
13A: {Shlosha_a-sar  mi yo-de-a?}

        E        A    A C   C  B A
        8       -10  -6 7   7 -7 -6
1B:  {E-        chad a- ni yo-de-a.}
2B:  {Shna-     yim  a- ni yo-de-a.}
3B:  {Shlo-     shah a- ni yo-de-a.}
4B:  {Ar-       bah  a- ni yo-de-a.}
5B:  {Chami-    shah a- ni yo-de-a.}
6B:  {Shi-      shah a- ni yo-de-a.}
7B:  {Shiv-     ah   a- ni yo-de-a.}
8B:  {Shmo-     nah  a- ni yo-de-a.}
9B:  {Tish-     ah   a- ni yo-de-a.}
10B: {Asa-      rah  a- ni yo-de-a.}
11B: {Achad_a-  sar  a- ni yo-de-a.}
12B: {Shneym_a- sar  a- ni yo-de-a.}
13B: {Shlosha_a-sar  a- ni yo-de-a.}

     {C        A   D   A    C    B     A}
     {7       -6  -8  -6    7   -7    -6}
1C:  {E-      e- chad e-   lo-  hei- nu}
2C:  {Shne-   e- ey   lu-  chot ha   brit}
3C:  {Shlo-   o- sha- ah   a-   a-   vot}
4C:  {A-      ar-ba-  ah   i-   ma-  ot}
5C:  {Cha-    mi-shah chum-shey to-  rah}
6C:  {Shi-    i- shah sid- rey  mish-nah}
7C:  {Shi-    iv-ah   ye-  mey  shab-tah}
8C:  {Shmo-   o- nah  ye-  mey  mi-  lah}
9C:  {Ti-     i- shah yar- chey ley- dah}
10C: {A-      sa-ra-  ah   dib- ra-  yah}
11C: {Achad   a- sa-  ar   coch-va-  yah}
12C: {Shneym  a- sa-  ar   shiv-ta-  yah}
13C: {Shlosha a- sa-  ar   mi-  da-  yah}

   G  C  D  E  E  F  E  D
   6  7 -8  8  8 -9  8  -8
D: E-lo-hei-nu e-lo-hei-nu

    D E  D  C  C  D  C  B
   -8 8 -8  7  7  -8 7 -7
E: E-lo-hei-nu e-lo-hei-nu

    E  E   E   F  E
    8  8   8  -9  8
F: She-ba-sha-ma-yim

    D  D E   D   A
   -8 -8 8  -8  -6
G: U- va-a- a- retz.

Echad Mi Yodea Lyrics

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Echad Mi Yodea Harmonica Tab

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