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Edge Of Glory Harmonica Tab

Harp Type: Unknown
Key: Any
Harp Type: Any
Skill: Any

Edge Of Glory Harmonica Tab

-9     -9  -9  -9  7   7   -6
There ain’t a rea-son you and
7    -6   7 -6  -8
me should be a-lone.
7   -9    8   -8  7
To-night yeah ba-by.
7    -9   8   -8  7
To-night yeah ba-by.
-9 -9 -9  -9  -9  7   7     -6
But I got a rea-son that you’re
7     -6    7   -6  -8  7   -6
who should take me home to-night.

-9  -9 -9 -9  7     7
I need a man that thinks
-6   7    -6   7   -6  -8
it right when it’s so wrong.
7    -9    8  -8  7
To-night yeah ba-by.
7    -9   8   -8  7
To-night yeah ba-by.
-9    -9  -9  -9  7    7
Right on the li-mits where
-6   7  -6  7   -6  -8   7  -6
we know we both be-long to-night.

7    7  -6   7   -5    6
It’s hot to feel the rush,
7   -9    8  -8  7   -8
to brush the dan-ge-rous.
7    7 -6   7  -5   -5
I’m gon-na run back to,
-9   8   -8   -5  -5
to the edge with you.
-5    -5  -5  -9   -9  -9  -9   9
Where we can both fall far in love.

-10 9  -9   -9  -9  9  8
I’m on the edge of glo-ry.
7    7   -9   -9 -9 -9 -9  -9  7  -8
And I’m hang-ing on a mo-ment of truth.
-10 9  -9   -9  -9  9  8
I’m on the edge of glo-ry.
7    7   -9   -9 -9 -9 -9  -9  7   -8
And I’m hang-ing on a mo-ment with you.
-9  -9 -9   -9    7    7
I’m on the edge, the edge.
9     9    7   7    -10  -10
The edge, the edge, the edge.
-10 9  -9   -9  -9  9  8
I’m on the edge of glo-ry.
7    7   -9   -9 -9 -9 -9  -9  7   -8
And I’m hang-ing on a mo-ment with you.

Edge Of Glory Lyrics

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Edge Of Glory Harmonica Tab

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