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Everybody Loves Somebody Harmonica Tab

Harp Type: Unknown
Key: Eb
Harp Type: Chromatic
Skill: Any

Everybody Loves Somebody Harmonica Tab

Everybody Love Somebody ‘Eb’
M:Ken Lane
W:Irving Taylor
Dean Martin

Ev -‘ry –bod -y loves some-bod – y, some-time
-L3* 3 -2 -1* -L4 3 -2 -1* 1 1
Ev-‘ry – bod -y falls in love some-how,
1 3* 3 -2 1* 3* 3 -2 -1
Some-thing in your kiss just told me
-1 -1* -1 -1* -3* -3 3* 3*
My some-time is now.
-3* 3 3 -2* 3

Ev -‘ry-bod – y finds some-bod-y some-place
-L3* 3 -2 -1* -L4 3 -2 -1* 1 1
There’s no tell-ing where love may ap-pear
1 3* 3 -2 1* 3* 3 -2 -1
Some-thing in my heart keeps say-ing
-1 -1* -1 -1* -3* -3 3* 3*
My some-place is here.
-3* 3 3 3 -1*

If I had it in my pow-er
-1* -1* -1* -1* -2 -2 3 3
I’d ar-range for ev-‘ry girl to have your charms
3* -3* 3* -2 3 3* 3 -1* -2 3 -2
Then, ev-‘ry min-ute, ev-‘ry ho – ur…
3 -2 -1* 3 3 -2 -1* 3 -1 -1
Ev-‘ry boy would find what I found in your arms
-1 -1* -2 -2 -2 -2 3 3 3 3 3*

Ev -‘ry-bod – y loves some-bod – y some-time
-3* 3 -2 -1* -4 3 -2 -1* -2 1
And al-though my dream was o -ver-due
3* 3* 3 -2 1* 3* 3 -2 -1
Your love made it well worth wait-ing for
-1* -1* -1 -1* -3* -3 3* 3* -3*
Some-one like you
3 3 -L3* -1*…
For 16 Hole Chromatic.

Everybody Loves Somebody Lyrics

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Everybody Loves Somebody Harmonica Tab

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