Haggstrom (minecraft Harmonica Tab
Haggstrom (minecraft Harmonica Tab
This can be played as a duet and complete the song. It was orginaly made to be played on the piano.
I will write both songs with a “T” for top line and a “B” for bottom line. I converted this into a tab from some piano sheet music.
One person plays T and the other B. I’ll try my best to sync them.
Underline = play the notes at the same time
‘ = One half step bend
” = Whole steb bend
”’ = One and a half step bend
T: 34 -1 1 34 -1 1 -3″
T: 34 -1 1 34 -1 1
T: 34 -1 1 34 -1 1 -3″
T: 34 -1 1 34 -1 1
T: 34 -3 3 34 -2-3 2 -3″
B: -3″-6 -7 -6 -3″-6 -7 -6
T: 34 -3 3 34 -2-3 -3 -1
B: -3″-6 -7 -6 -3″-6 -7 -6
T: 234 -2-3 3 234 -2-3 -2 -3″-4
B: -3″-6 -7 -6 -3″-6 -7 -6
T: 35 6 4 35 6 4
B: -3″-6 -7 -6 -3″-6 -7 -6
T: -2″-3 -3″ 2 -2″-3 -3″ -3″‘ -2’
B: 2 -7 -5 2 -7 -5
Haggstrom (minecraft Lyrics
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