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Man In A Raincoat (chromatic) Harmonica Tab

Harp Type: Unknown
Key: Eb
Harp Type: Chromatic
Skill: Beginner
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Man In A Raincoat (chromatic) Harmonica Tab


(whistled intro)
9 -9* 11 -10 11
9 -9* 11 -10 11
9 -9* 11 -10 11 -9*

Late in the eve-ning,
1 -1* 3 -2 3
out in the square
1 -1* 3 -2
A man in a rain-coat,
3 1 -1* 3 -2 3
stand-ing there
4 3 -4
We met by the lamp
-4 -4 -3 3 -3
where the news-boy cries
-4 4 -4 3 -3
He stole my heart
-3 3 -1* -2
with his laugh-ing eyes
3 3* 3 -1* -2
We smiled as we climbed on
1 1 -1* 3 -2 3
the old street car
3 1 3 -2
I blushed when he asked
3 1 -1* 3 -2
“Are you trav-lin’ far”
3 3 4 3 -4
The next time we met
-4 -4 -3 3 -3
the sun shone all day
4 -4 -3 3 -3
We walked and we talked
-3 3 3 -1* -2
till the eve-ning was gray,
3 3* 3 -2 -1* -2

(9 -9* 11 -10 11
9 -9* 11 -10 11)

He took me danc-ing,
1 1-1* 3 -2 3
danc-ing till dawn
1 -1* 3 -2
No hap-pi-er cou-ple
3 1 -1* 3 -2 -2
had ev-er been born
3 4 4 3 -4
I felt like a queen
-3* -4 -3 3 -3
and he was my king
-44 -4 -3 3 -3
He bor-rowed some mon-ey
-3 3 3 -1* -2 -2
to buy me a ring
33* 3 -2 -1* -2
But I’m still a-lone
3 1 -1* 3 -2
the cards are all down
3 1 -1* 3 -2
He’s tak-en my mon-ey
3 1 1 3 -2 -2
and skipped out of town
3 4 4 3 -4
And now when I pass
-4 -4 -3 3 -3
the place where we met
4 -4 -3 3 -3
I’m won-d’ring if I
-3 3 3 -1* -2
can for-give and for- get
-2 3* 3 -2 -1* -2

9 -9* 11 -10 11
9 -9* 11 -10 11

Tho’ bit-ter is my heart
3 1 1 -1* 3 -2
And fool-ish-ly proud
3 1 -1* 3 -2
I still keep on look-ing
3 1 -1* 3 -2 3
When out in a crowd
3 4 4 3 -4
For a man in a rain-coat
-4 -4 -4 -3 3 -3 4
stand-ing there
-4 3 -3
With laugh-ing eyes
-3 3 -1* -2
and dark brown hair.
3* 3 -1* -2

Hummed outro;
(1 -1* 3 -2 3
1 -1* 3 -2 3____)

* means push the button

Man In A Raincoat (chromatic) Lyrics

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Man In A Raincoat (chromatic) Harmonica Tab

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