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Manhattan Harmonica Tab

Harp Type: Unknown
Key: F
Harp Type: Chromatic
Skill: Any

Manhattan Harmonica Tab

By Rogers & Hart
Ella Fitzgerald
Key: F

4 -4 5 6 -5
We’ll have Man-hat-tan
-1 1* -1 -3 2
the Bronx and Stat-en
3 3 3
Is-land too.
-2 -1 -2 4 4 4
It’s love-ly go-ing through
6 5
the zoo!

5 -4 5 6 -5
It’s ver-y fan-cy
-1 1* -1 -3 2
on old De-lan-cey
3 3 3
street you know.
-2 2 -2 2 -1 -5
The sub-way charms us so
-4 3 -2 -2 2 4
when balm-y breez-es blow
2 -1 -3*
to and fro.

4 -4 5 6 -5
And tell me what street
-1 1* -1 -3 2
Com-pares with Mott Street
3 3 3
in Ju-ly?
-2 -1 -2 4 4 4 6 4
Sweet push-carts gent-ly glid-ing by.

-3 3* -3 -3* -3 -3* -3 3 -3*
The great big cit-y’s a wond-�rous toy
3 -3 3 -3 3 -2 -5
just made for a girl and boy.
4 -4 5 6 -5
We’ll turn Man-hat-tan
-1 1* -1 -3 -3 -2
In-to an isle of joy!

We’ll go to Yonkers
Where true love conquers
In the whiles
And starve together dear, in Chiles

We’ll go to Coney
And eat baloney on a roll
In Central Park we’ll stroll
Where our first kiss we stole
Soul to soul

And “My Fair Lady” is a terrific show they say
We both may see it close, some day

The city’s glamour can never spoil
The dreams of a boy and goil
We’ll turn Manhattan
into an isle of joy!

Manhattan Lyrics

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Manhattan Harmonica Tab

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