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O Holy Night (Easy Chromatic Duet) Harmonica Tab

Harp Type: Unknown
Key: C
Harp Type: Chromatic
Skill: Beginner

O Holy Night (Easy Chromatic Duet) Harmonica Tab

Composed by Adolphe Adam
English Lyrics by John Sullivan Dwight
Key of C Major Range: C3 to E5
Requires one 12 hole and one 16 hole Key of “C” chromatic
1st harp: 12 hole
2nd harp: 16 hole

Tab Notations:
none = blow – = draw * = button in
. = lower register (first four holes on 16 hole)
-4__ = hold (.2.3) = blow .2 & .3 together
-(.2.3) = draw .2 & .3 together
-(.2.4)* = draw .2 & .4 with button in while blocking hole .3
(R) = repeat previous parenthesized dyad (2 note chord)

1st: 2 2______ 2 3_________
1. O ho__ – ly night_____
2. Led by____ the light_____
3. Tru-ly____ He taught____
2nd:.1 .3 (1,2) .3 .1 .3 (1,2) .3 .1 (.2.3)

1st: 3 -3___ -3 -2 -3 4_____ 3___
the stars are bright – ly shin – ing,
of stars se – rene_ – ly beam – ing,
us all to love each oth – er
2nd: 1____________________ .1

1st: 3 2_ -1 1 2 2* 3 2*___ -1 1
it is the night of the dear Sav – ior’s birth;
With glow–ing hearts by His cra – dle we stand.
His law is love and His gos – pel is peace.
2nd: .3 .1 (.2.3) -(.2,1)____________ .1

1st: 2 2 2 3_______ 3 -3 -3 2* -3 4____ 3_
Long lay the world___ in sin and er – ror pin – ing,
Thus led by light___ of star so sweet-ly gleam- ing
Good-will on earth,__ with ev-‘ry one a bro – ther,
2nd: .3 (1,2) .3 .1 (2,3) 1______________ .1 .3 (.2.4)

1st: 3 -2* 2 -4 3__ -3 -4____ 4___ -4 2___________________
Till He_ ap – pear’d and the soul__ felt its worth.______________
Here came the wise__ men from the O – rient land._______________
And in His Name__ all op – pres – sion shall cease.______________
2nd: -.2 -.4 (.2.3) -.1*_____________ .2 (.2.3) -.4 (.2.3)

1st: 3 3 -3 -1 3 -3___ 3 4____ 2 -3 3
A thrill of hope the wea – ry world re – joic – es,
The King of Kings lay thus in low – ly man – ger,
Sweet hymns of joy in grate-ful ad – or– a – tion,
2nd: -(.2.4)___ .3 -1 (.2.4)___________ -(.1.4)*__(.2.4)

1st: 3 3 -3 -1 3 -3 3 4__ 2 3_____
For yon-der breaks a new and glo-rious morn.
In all our tri – als born to be our Friend.
Let all with-in us praise His Ho- ly Name.
2nd: -(.2.4)______ .3 .2* (.1.2.4)_____________________ -.4

1st: 4_________ -4 -3 -4________________ -4 -5_________
Fall______ on your knees!____________ Oh! Hear_______
He________ knows our need,_____________ He guard_____ –
Christ____ is the Lord,_____________ the hope_______
2nd: -.3 .2 -.3 .4 .2__.3*(.2~-3*~-.4) -.1__ .2*__

1st: -3 -3 -3 4_____ 4 5 6_____-5__ 3 4_____________
the an-gel voic – es! O night______ di – vine!__________
eth us from dan – ger. Be hold______ your King!__________
of ev-‘ry na – tion. His pow’r____ and glo___________-
2nd: __ -(.1.2,1) -.3 .2 -.3 (.2.4) .3 (.2.3)–(.2.4) .1(.2.3)(.2.3.4)

1st: -4_-3 3____________ 3 -3 3 3________________
O____ night________ when Christ__ was born,____________
Be – fore_________ Him low__ – ly bend.____________
ry ev__________- er more____ pro-claim,___________
2nd: .2* .1 (.2.3.4) -(.1.2.4).3 .1 .2 .3 (.2.3.4)

1st: 5 -5____________ 3 6______________ -5 4____________
O night_________ di – vine!__________ O night,_______
Be – hold,_________ be – hold___________ your King!________
His pow’r_________ and glo____________- ry ev -________
2nd: .3 –(.2.4)(R)(R) .1 .4_(.4.3.2)-(.2.4).3_ (.2.3.4)

1st: -4 4-4-3-4 4________ -5____ 5____________________
O_________ night_____ di – vine!________________
Be_______ -fore______ Him bend.________________
er_______ -more______ pro – claim._______________
2nd: -(.1.2) -(.2.3)__ -(.2.4) (.

O Holy Night (Easy Chromatic Duet) Lyrics

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O Holy Night (Easy Chromatic Duet) Harmonica Tab

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