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O Little Town Of Bethlehem (12 hole Chromatic Solo) Harmonica Tab

Harp Type: Unknown
Key: G
Harp Type: Chromatic
Skill: Beginner

O Little Town Of Bethlehem (12 hole Chromatic Solo) Harmonica Tab

O Little Town Of Bethlehem (12 hole Chromatic Solo)
Music by Lewis Henry Redner Words by Phillips Brooks
Key of G Major
Tabbed for a 12 hole Key of C, Solo Tuned, Chromatic.

Tab notations:
none = blow – = draw * = button in __ = hold
-5__-4* = slide smoothly from one note to next

-4 -4 -4 -3* -4 -5__-4* 2_
1. O Lit – tle Town Of Beth-le- hem,
2. For Christ is born of Ma_____- ry
3. O ho – ly Child of Beth-le- hem,

-3 3 2*_3 -3 -1 -4______
1. How still we__ see thee lie!
2. And gath_-ered all a_ – bove
3. De_-cend to__ us, we pray,

-4 -4 -4 6 -5 -5 4 2
1. A – bove thy deep and dream – less sleep
2. While mor_-tals sleep the an___ – gels keep
3. Cast out our sin and en___ – ter in,

-3 3 2*_3 -4 -3 3______
1. The si_ – lent stars go by.
2. Their watch of__ won – d’ring love.
3. Be born in__ us to – day

-4 -4 -4 -3 3 2*____ 2*
1. Yet, in thy dark streets shin – eth
2. O, morn-ing stars to – geth – er
3. We hear the Christ-mas an__ – gels

2* 2 2* 3 -3 -4______
1. The ev – er – last – ing light:
2. Pro-claim the ho – ly birth
3. The great glad tid – ings tell.

-4 -4 -4 -3* -4 -5 4 2
1. The hopes and fears of all the years
2. And praise-es sing to God, our King,
3. Oh, come to us, a- bide with us

6 -5 3 -4__ -3 3______
1. Are met in thee to-night.
2. And peace to men on earth.
3. Our Lord Em-man– u– el.

O Little Town Of Bethlehem (12 hole Chromatic Solo) Lyrics

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O Little Town Of Bethlehem (12 hole Chromatic Solo) Harmonica Tab

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