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People are People (12th position) Harmonica Tab

Harp Type: Unknown
Key: G
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Any

People are People (12th position) Harmonica Tab

-5 6   -6 -5 -4
People are people

-4 -5   6   -6 -5
So why should it be

6   -5 6 -5   6
You and I should get

-5 6 -5 -6 5 -4
Along so awfully

-5 6   -6 -5 -4
People are people

-4 -5   6   -6 -5
So why should it be

6   -5 6 -5   6
You and I should get

-5 6 -5 -6 5 -4
Along so awfully

-4 -4   -5 6 -6   -5 -4

So we’re different colours

-4 -4   -4 -3” -3” -3”
And we’re different creeds

-3” -3” 3 3   -2 -2” 3   -3” -2 -2” -2
And different people have different needs

-4   -4 -6 -6 -6 -5   -4
It’s obvious you hate me

-4     -4   -4   -3”-3”   -3”
Though I’ve done nothing wrong

-3” -3”3 -2-2” -3” 3 -2 -2”   -3” -2 -2” 3
I’ve never even met you so what could I have done

-1 -1   -1 -3” 3

I can’t understand

-3”   1   1 -1
What makes a man

-1   1 -1 -3” 3
Hate another man

3   -3” 1 1 -1
Help me understand



-4  -4   -5 6

Now you’re punching

-6   -6   -5 -4
And you’re kicking
-4 -4    -4 -3” -3” -3”

And you’re shouting at me

-3” 3 -2 -2” -3” 3   -2 -2” -3”-2” 3
I’m relying on your common decency

-4 -4 -6 -6 -6 -5 -4
So far it hasn’t surfaced

-4 -4 -4   -3” -3” -3”
But I’m sure it exists

-3” -3” -3” 3 -2   -2” -3” 3
It just takes a while to travel

-2 -2”   -3” -2 -2” 3
From your head to your fists


-1 -1   -1 -3” 3

I can’t understand

-3”   1   1 -1
What makes a man

-1   1 -1 -3” 3
Hate another man

3   -3” 1 1 -1
Help me understand


-1 -1   -1 -3” 3

I can’t understand

-3”   1   1 -1
What makes a man

-1   1 -1 -3” 3
Hate another man

3   -3” 1 1 -1
Help me understand

(repeat 6 times, fade out)

People are People (12th position) Lyrics

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People are People (12th position) Harmonica Tab

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