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Silver Bells (Chrom C) Harmonica Tab

Harp Type: Unknown
Key: C
Harp Type: Chromatic
Skill: Any

Silver Bells (Chrom C) Harmonica Tab

5 5* -5* -6 7 7*__
Sil-ver bells!__ Sil-ver bells!
7 7 7* -7* 7* 7 7*
Soon it will be Christ-mas day. (Repeat)

7* -6 -5* 5 7* -6 -5* 5
Ci-ty side-walks, bu-sy side-walks
9 -7* 7* -6 -6 -6
dressed in hol-i-day style,
-7* 7* 7 -5* -5 5* -5* 5* 5* 5___
In the air there’s a feel-ing of Christ-mas.
7* -6 -5* 5 7* -6 -5* 5
Chil-dren laugh-ing, peo-ple pass-ing,
9 -7* 7* -6 -6 -6
meet-ing smile af-ter smile,
-7* 7* 7 -5* -5 5* -5* -7* 7*
And on ev-‘ry street cor-ner you hear,

5 5* -5* -6 7 7*__
Sil-ver bells!__ Sil-ver bells!
7 7 7* -7* 7* 7 7* -5*___
It’s Christ-mas time in the ci-ty.
5 5* -5* -6 7 7*___
Ring-a-ling,__ Hear them ring!
7 7 7* -7* 7* 7 7*
Soon it will be Christ-mas day.

7* -6 -5* 5 7* -6 -5* 5
Strings of street lights, ev-en stop lights
9 -7* 7* -6 -6 -6
blink a bright red and green.
-7* 7* 7 -5* -5 5* -5* 5* 5* 5
As the shop-pers rush home with their trea-sures.
7* -6 -5* 5 7* -6 -5* 5
Hear the snow crunch! See the kids bunch!
9 -7* 7* -6 -6 -6
This is San-ta’s big scene,
-7* 7* 7 -5* -5 5* -5* -7* 7*
and a-bove all the bus-tle you hear,

5 5* -5* -6 7 7*__
Sil-ver bells!__ Sil-ver bells!
7 7 7* -7* 7* 7 7* -5*__
It’s Christ-mas time_ in the ci-ty.
5 5* -5* -6 7 7*___
Ring-a-ling,__ Hear them ring!
7 7 7* -7* 7* 7 7*
Soon it will be Christ-mas day.
7 7 7* -7* 7* 7 7*___(Slow With Music)
Soon it will be Christ-mas day.

This song plays with karaoke music run time 3:06.

Silver Bells (Chrom C) Lyrics

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Silver Bells (Chrom C) Harmonica Tab

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