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Southern Comfort Zone (Chromatic) Harmonica Tab

Harp Type: Unknown
Key: E
Harp Type: Chromatic

Southern Comfort Zone (Chromatic) Harmonica Tab

Key of E Major Range: E4 to B5
Tabbed for a Key of C Solo tuned chromatic

Tab Notations:
none = blow – = draw * = button in -4_3* = slur
_____ = hold

-4_3* -4_____ 3*_-2* -2*_2__
When your___ wheel– house__

3* -3 -4_____ -4_3* 3*__ 3*___
is the land___ of___ cot_-ton,_

3* -4__ -4_____ -4_3* 4*____ 3* -3 -4__ 4*___
the first time___ you__ leave_ it can be__ strange.

-4 3* -4_3*___ -4__ -2*_3*_____-2*_2__
It can be______ shock-ing.______________

-4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4______ 3* 3*_-2*_2__
Not ev-‘ry-bod-y drives__ a truck,____

2 3* -4 -4 -4 -4__ 3*__ 3*_-2*_2__
Not ev-‘ry-bod-y drinks sweet tea.______

2 3* -4 -4 3* -4______ 3* 3*_-2*_2__
Not ev-‘ry-bod-y owns____ a gun,______

3*__ -4 -4__ -4__ 4*__ 3*__ -2*_2__
wears a ball-cap, boots and_ jeans._

2 3* -4 -4 3* -4______ 3* 3*_-2*_2__
Not ev-‘ry-bod-y goes____ to church____

2 3* -4 -4 3* -4____ 3*___ -2*_2__
or watch-es ev-‘ry NAS___–CAR__ race.__

2 3* -4 -4 3* -4______
Not ev-‘ry-bod-y knows___

3* 4*____ 3* 3* -4__ -4__ -4__ 3* 4*___-4 -4__
the words_ to “Ring of__ Fire” or__ “A-maz____-ing


6________ -6*___ 7*___ 4*_______-4_3*__
Oh,______ Dix___–ie___–land,___________

6__ 6______ 6__ -6*___ 7*___ -4________
I__ hope___ you un____-der__–stand_____

5 6___ 6__ -5*__5*__ 4*__-4 -4__ 3*__ 3*__-2*_2__
when I___ miss my_______ Ten___–nes_–see_ home_______

3* -4___ 6____ -5*__5*__ 4*__-4 -4__ 3*__ 3*__-2*_2__
and I’ve_ been_ a________–way___ way too__ long.______

3* -4___ 6___-5* -5*__ 4*_-4 -4 -4__ 4*_3* 3*____-2*_2__
I can’t see____ this_ world un-less I____ go___________

2__ -2*__ 3*__ -2*______ 2__ 3*__-2*_2__ 2__ 2_________
Out-side_ my__ South____–ern com________-fort zone._____

3* -4 -4 3* -4__ 3*__ 3*_-2*_2__
I have walked the streets of__ Rome,_____

-2*_3* -4 -4 3* -4_____ -4__ -2*_2__
I____ have been to for____–eign lands._

-2*_3* -4 -4 3* -4__ -4___ -2*_2__
I____ know what it’s like to___ talk___

2 3* -4 -4 3* -4____ -4___ -2*_2__
and have no-bod-y un____-der__-stand__

-2*_3* -4 -4 3* -4_____ 3*__ -2* 2__
I____ have seen the Eif____-fel_ Tow-er_

3* -4 -4 3* -4____ -4___ 4*___
lit up on a Par___-is___ night.

3* -4 -4 3* -4__ -4__
I have kissed a west coast

-2*_2___ 3* -4 -4 3* -4____ -4___ 4*___
girl____ un-der-neath the North_–ern__ Lights.

-2*_3* -4 -4 3* 4*_____ 3*__ 3*_-2*_2___
I____ know what it’s like___ to__ be_________

-4 4*___ -4 -4 3*__ 3*_-2*_2__
the on___–ly one like me________

2 3* -4_3* -4__ -4___ -4 -4 -4_3*_-2*__
to take a____ good hard_ look a-round______

2 3* -4 -4 -4___ 4*___ -5*___ 4*_-4__ -4__ 6___ 6__
and be in the mi__-nor__- i____-ty.____ Now_ I___ miss

-5*_5* 4*__-4 -4__ 3*__ 3*__-2*_2__
my____ Ten___-nes_-see_ home,______

2 3* -4___ 6____ -5*_5* 4*__-4 -4__ -4_4*__ 3*_-2*_2__
but I can__ see__ the___ ways__ that I’ve___ grown.____

2 3* -4___ 6___-5* -5*__
And I can’t see____ this_

4*_-4 -4 -4__ 4*___ 3*__-2*_2___
world un-less I____ go__________

2__ -2*__ 3*__ -2*____ 2__ 3*__-2*_2 2__ 2_________
out–side_ my__ South__–ern com______-fort zone._____

-4 4* -5*__ 6__ -5*__ -5*_5* 5*__ 4*__ 3*__
I miss your_ bis–cuits and___ your gra_-vy,_

5*__ -5* -5*_6__ -5* -5*_5*_-4__ -4 -4___
fire-flies danc___-in’ in_________ the night.

-2*_-3* -4__ -4__ 4*___ 4* 4*__ -4__ -2*_3*__
You____ have fed_ me,__ you have saved me,_____

3* 3*__ 3*_-2*_2__ 2 -2*___ 3* 3*___
Bil-ly__ Graham____ and Mar__-tha White.

4* -5*__ 6__ -5* -5*__ 4* 4*__ 3*
But I’ve_ since be-come_ a drif-ter,

4* -5*__ 6__ -5*___ -5*_5*_-4__ -4 -4____
and I___ just can’t_ wait_______ to pack._

3* -4 -4__ 4*__ 4*__ 4* 4*__ -2*_3*__
‘Cause I know the_ road I leave on,_____

3* 3*__ 3*_-2*_2__ 2__ -2*__ 3*___
it will al________-ways bring me___


-4__ 6____ 7*____ -6*____ 6____ 5*____ 6________
I___ wish_ I_____ was____ in___ Dix___-ie,______

-4____ 7*____________________________

-4 -5*_6__ 6__
And I_____ miss

6__ -5*__5*__ 4*__-4 -4__ 3*__ 3*__-2*_2__
my__ Ten______-nes___-see_ home____________

3* -4___ 6____ -5*__5*__ 4*__-4 -4__ 3*__ 3*__-2*_2__
and I’ve_ been_ a________–way___ way too__ long.______

3* -4___ 6___-5* -5*__ 4*_-4 -4 -4__ 4*_3* 3*____-2*_2__
I can’t see____ this_ world un-less I____ go___________

2__ -2*__ 3*__ -2*______ 2__ 3*__-2*_2__ 2__ 2_________
out-side_ my__ South____–ern com________-fort zone._____

3* -4__ -5*_6____________ -4_3* 3* 3*_-4_____3*_-2*_2______
Look a__-way,_____________ look_ a_-way_____________________

-4____ 6____ 7____ -6*____ 6____ 5*____ 6________
I_____ wish_ I____ was____ in___ Dix___-ie,______

-4____ 7*____________ 6__ -4__ 6____________
a_____-way___________ look a__-way._________

-4__ 6____ 6____ 6__-6*__ 7*__ -7__
I___ wish_ I____ was_____ in__ the_

-8____ -8____ -8____ 7*________________
land__ of____ cot___–ton,______________

6__ -4__ 6________________
look a__-way._____________

-4____ 7*____________ 6__ -4__ 6________________
A_____–way,__________ look a__-way._____________

-4__ 6____ 6____ 6______ -4__ 4*__ 4*______________
To__ live_ and__ die____ in__ Dix_-ie,_____________

-4____ 6____ 6____________________________
in____ Dix__-ie.__________________________

Southern Comfort Zone (Chromatic) Lyrics

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Southern Comfort Zone (Chromatic) Harmonica Tab

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