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Stout Hearted Men (For Ian) Harmonica Tab

Harp Type: Unknown
Key: Ab
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Any

Stout Hearted Men (For Ian) Harmonica Tab

5 4 -4 5 -3 4 -3b
You who have dreams, if you act

7 -6 -6b 5
They will come true

5 4 -4 5 3 -3b -3
To turn your dreams to a fact

-6 -6 -6 -6
It’s up to you!

5 5 -7 -7 -7 8 -6 -7 7
If you have the soul and the spi-rit

5 5 -6 -6 -6 7 6 -6b
Ne-ver fear it, you’ll see it through

5 4 5 6 5 6 4
Hearts can in-spire oth-er hearts,

-3b 4 5
with their fire

-3 4 -3b -3b -3b
For the strong o-bey

-3 4 5 2 2 -2b 3 2
When a strong man shows them the way


-6b 6 -6b 6
Give me some men

-5b 6 -6b 6 -6b 6
Who are stout-heart-ed men

-5b 6 -6b 6 -6b 9 -5b 5 -5b
Who will fight for the right they a-dore

-6b 6 -6b 6
Start me with ten,

-5b 6 -6b 6 -6b 6
Who are stout-heart-ed men

-5b 6 -6b 6 -6b 6 -5b 5 7
And I’ll soon give you ten thou-sand more

8 -6b 6 -6b 6 -5b
Oh! Shoul-der to shoul-der

6 -6b 6 -6b 6 -5b
And bold-er and bold-er

6 -6b 6 -6b -6b 6 -b -7
They grow as they go to the fore!

6 -5 -4 -3 -3b 3 3
Then there’s noth-ing in the world

-2b 3 -3b -3b -3 5
Can halt or mar a plan

6 5 -4 -3 -6
When stout-heart-ed men

6 -5 4 5 -5 4 -3 -3b
Can stick to-geth-er man to man

-3b 3 -3b 3
Give me some men

-2b 3 -3b 3 -3b 3
Who are stout-heart-ed men

-2b 3 -3b 3 -3b 3 -2b 2 -2b
Who will fight for the right they a-dore

-3b 3 -3b 3
Give me some men

-5b 6 -6b 6 -6b 6
Who will fight like the men

-5b 6 -6b 6 -6b 6 -5b 5 7
Who have fought in the na-vy be-fore

8 -6b 6 -3b 6 -5b
Oh! Give me some guns for

3 -3b 3 -3b 3 -2b
The stout-heart-ed sons of

3 -3b 3 -3b -3b 3 -2b -4
The ones who have won ev’ry war!

6 -5 -4 -3 -3b 3 3
Then there’s not a chance on earth

-2b 3 -3b -3b -3 5
For free-dom’s cause to die

6 5 -4 -3 -6
When stout-heart-ed men

6 -5 4 5 -5 4 -3 -3b
Are on the sea and in the sky.


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Stout Hearted Men (For Ian) Harmonica Tab

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