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The Hobbit – The Last Goodbye Harmonica Tab

Harp Type: Unknown
Key: Any
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Any

The Hobbit – The Last Goodbye Harmonica Tab

. -hold for a short time
_ -hold for a medium amount of time
__ -hold for a long time
(..) -play notes quickly together

“The Last Goodbye”

4 4 -4 5_ -4 -4 4 5_
I saw the light fade from the sky
4 -4 5 6. 5-4 4 4_
On the wind I he-ard a sigh
4 -4 5 6. 5 -4.
As the snowflakes cover
4-4 5 6. -6 6
My fallen brothers
7 7 7 7. 8′-8. 7 7_
I will say this last goodbye

-6 -6 6_ -6 7__
Night is now falling
7 7_ 5 6_
So ends this day
-6 -6 -6 6 -6 7_
The road is now calling
-8 (8-8 7.) 8 (-9 8 -8)_
And I-i-i must away

4 -4 5_ -4 5 6 -6_
Over hill and under tree
6 -6 7 -8_ 8 -8 7 -6_
Through lands where ne-ver light has shone
7 7 -7 7_ 5 5 -6_ 6 (5 -4)
By silver streams that run down to the sea

4 -4 5_ -4 5 6 -6_
Under cloud, beneath the stars
-6 7 -8_ 8 -8 7 -6_
Over snow one winter’s morn
7 7 -7 7__ 5 -6 -8 -8 7 -8__
I turn at last to paths that le-ad home

7 7 (7 7) 8 -8 (-8 7 -6).
And though where the road then takes me,
8 -9 (8 8-8)_
I cannot tell
-6 -6 7 -6 8.
We came all this way
-6 -6 7 -6 8.
But now comes the day
8 8 -9 (8 8 -8)_
To bid you farewell

4 -4 5 4. (5 -4) (4 4)
Many places I have been
4 -4 5 6. -6. 6 6_
Many sorrows I have seen
(4 -4 5 4 -3′ 4)_
But I don’t regret
4 -4 5 6 -6_
Nor will I forget
7 7 7 7. 8′-8. 7 7_
All who took that road with me

-6 -6 6_ -6 7__
Night is now falling
7 7_ 5 6_
So ends this day
-6 -6 -6 6 -6 7_
The road is now calling
-8 (8-8 7.) 8 (-9 8 -8)_
And I-i-i must away

4 -4 5_ -4 5 6 -6_
Over hill and under tree
6 -6 7 -8_ 8 -8 7 -6_
Through lands where ne-ver light has shone
7 7 -7 7__ 7 7 -8 -8 7 -8__
By silver streams that run down to the sea

4 -4 5. -4 5 6 -6_
To these memories I will hold
-6 7 -8 8_ -8 7 -6_
With your blessing I will go
7 7 -7 7_ 7 -8__ -8 -8 7 -8__
To turn at last to paths that le-ad home

7 7 (7 7) 8 -8 (-8 7 -6).
And though where the road then takes me,
8 -9 8 (8-8)_
I cannot tell
-6 -6 7 -6 8.
We came all this way
-6 -6 7 -6 8.
But now comes the day
8 8 -9 (8 8 -8)_
To bid you farewell

-6 7 -6 8_ -6 -6 7 8. -6 7__
I bid you all a very fond farewell

The Hobbit – The Last Goodbye Lyrics

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The Hobbit – The Last Goodbye Harmonica Tab

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