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Words Harmonica Tab

Harp Type: Unknown
Key: Any
Harp Type: Any
Skill: Beginner

Words Harmonica Tab

-8 -8 -8 -8 -7 -7 7 7 7 6
Some-one and some-one were down by the pond,

7 7 7 -6 6 -5 -5 6 6 6
look-in’ for some-thin’ to plant in the lawn.

-8 -8 -8 -8 7 -7 7 7 7 6
Out in the fields, they were turn-in’ the soil,

-7 7 7 7 -6 6 -5 -5 6 6 6
I’m sit-tin here hop-in’ this wa-ter will boil.

-7 7 -8 -8 -8 -8 -7 -7 7 7 7
When I look through the win-dow, and out on the

-7 7 7 7 -6 6 -5 -5 6 6 6
they’re bring-in’ me pres-ents, and say-in’ hel-lo,

-7 7 -8 7 6 7 7 7 -6 -5 6
sing-in Words, Words, be-tween the lines of age.

-8 7 6 7 7 7 -6 -5 6
Words, Words, be-tween the lines of age.

-8-8 -8 -8 -8 -7 7 7 7 6
If I was a junk man, sell-in you cars,

7 7 7 -6 6 -5 -5 6 6 6
wash-in’ your win-dows and shin-in’ your stars.

-8 -8 -8 -8 7 -7 7 7 7 6
Think-in’ your mind was my own in a dream,

7 7 7 -6 6 -5 -5 6 6 6
what would you won-der, and how would it seem?

-8 -8 -8 -7 -7 7 7 7 6 -7 7 7 7
Liv-in’ in-tles a bit at a time, the King start-ed
-6 6

-5 -5 6 6 6 -7 7 -8 7 6
and talk-in’ in rhyme, sing-in’ Words, Words,
7 7 7 -6 -5 6
be-tween the lines of age.

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