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Working Man Harmonica Tab

Harp Type: Unknown
Key: C
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Beginner

Working Man Harmonica Tab

7 -8 8
8 8 7

It’s a work-ing man I am,

6 6
-6 7
7 -6 6

And I’ve been down un-der-ground,

7 -8 8
8 8

And I swear to God,

8 8 -9 8 7 -6

If I ev-er see the sun,

7 -8 8
8 8
7 6

Oh for an-y length of time,

6 6 -6 7
7 -6 6

I can hold it in my mind,

7 8 8 8
8 7 -7
-7 -6
-7 7

I nev-er a-gain will go down un-der-ground.

At the age of six-teen years,

Oh he quar-rels with his peers,

He vowed they’d nev-er see an-oth-er one,

In the dark re-cess of the mine,

Where you age be-fore your time,

And the coal dust lies heav-y,

On your lungs.

At the age of six-ty four,

He will greet you at the door,

And he will gent-ly, lead you, by the arm,

Through the dark re-cess of the mine,

He will take you back in time,

And he’ll tell you of the hard-ships,

That were had.

It’s a work-ing man I am,

And I’ve been down un-der-ground,

And I swear to God,

If I ev-er see the sun,

Oh for an-y length of time,

I can hold it in my mind,

I nev-er a-gain will go down un-der-ground,

I nev-er a-gain will go down un-der-ground.

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Working Man Harmonica Tab

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