Gabriels Message Harmonica Tab
Gabriels Message Harmonica Tab
A very beautiful carol (check out the midi file if you’re not familiar
with the tune–the timing is a bit irregular).
+5 -6 +7 -7 -8 +7 -7 -6 -7 +5
The ang-el Gab-ri-el from heav-en came,
+5 -6 +7 -7 -8 +7 -7 -6 +6 -6
His wings as drift-ed snow his eyes as flame.
+7 +7 -8 +7 -7 +7 -8 +8 +8 -8 +7 -7
“All hail” said he “thou low-ly maid-en Mar-y____,
+7 -8 +7 -7 -6 -7 +5 -6 +7 -7 +7 -6 +6 -6
Most high-ly fav-ored lad-y,” Glor-___________i-_a!
Repeat same notes for additional verses:
For know a blessed mother thou shalt be,
All generations laud and honor thee,
Thy Son shall be Emanuel, by seers foretold
Most highly favored lady,” Gloria!
Then gentle Mary meekly bowed her head
“To me be as it pleaseth God,” she said,
“My soul shall laud and magnify his holy name.”
Most highly favored lady. Gloria!
Of her, Emanuel, the Christ was born
In Bethlehem, all on a Christmas morn
And Christian folk throughout the world will ever say: [1]
“Most highly favored lady,” Gloria!
+2 -3” +4 -3 -4 +4 -3 -3” -3 +2
+2 -3” +4 -3 -4 +4 -3 -3” +3 -3”
+4 +4 -4 +4 -3 +4 -4 +5 +5 -4 +4 -3
+4 -4 +4 -3 -3” -3 +2 -3” +4 -3 +4 -3” +3 -3”
Gabriels Message Lyrics
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