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It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Diatonic Solo) Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): Chưa có thông tin
Key: Bb
Harp Type: Diatonic

It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Diatonic Solo) Harmonica Tab

It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Diatonic Solo)
Music by Richard Storrs Willis
Words by Edward Hamilton Sears
Key of Bb Major Range: D4 to D5

Tab notations:
none = blow – = draw ’ = half step bend
” = full step bend 3”’ = full step and a half bend
__ = hold (2×4) = blow 2&4 while blocking 3
= slur; slide smoothly from one note to next

3 5_ -3 -4_4 -3” 3_ -3” 3_
1. It came up-on___ the mid – night clear,
2. Still through the clo_-ven skies they come,
3. Yet with the woes of sin and strife,
4. And ye, be-neath life’s crush-ing load,
5. For lo! The days_ are hast-ening on

3 -3”_-3 4 4_-4 5 -4____
1. That glo___-rious song of old,__
2. With peac__-ful wings un – furled,
3. The world_ has suf_- fered long,_
4. Whose forms_ are bend_–ing low,__
5. By pro___–phet bards fore- told,_

3 5_ -3 -4_4 -3” 3_ -3” 3_
1. From an – gels bend-ing near the earth,
2. And still their heav-en – ly music floats,
3. Be – neath the an__–gel-strain have rolled ,
4. Why toil a_ – long the clim – bing way,
5. When with the ev__–er circl- ing years,

3 -3”_ -3” 3_-3” 3 4____
1. To touch their harps of gold:
2. O’er all the wea – ry world;
3. Two thou -sand years of wrong;
4. With wear –ry steps and slow
5. Comes round the Age of Gold,

5 5_ 2 2_-2’ -3”’ -3”_ -3 (2×4)_
1. ‘Peace on the earth, good-will to men,
2. A – bove its sad and lone-ly plains,
3. And man, at war with man, hears not,
4. Look up!_ For glad and gol– den hours,
5. When peace shall o__ – ver all the earth,

5 -4_4 -3 -3”_-3 -3” 3____
1. From heav’n’s all gra__- cious King!
2. They bend___ on hov__- ering wing,
3. The love___- song which_ they bring.
4. Come swift__– ly on____ the wing;
5. Its an_____-cient splen-dors fling,

3 5_ -3 -4_4 -3” 3_ -3” 3_
1. The world in sol__ – emn still-ness lay,
2. And ev___-er o’er its Ba__- bel sounds,
3. O hush_ the noise, ye men_ of strife,
4. O rest_ be – side__ the wear-y road,
5. And the_ whole world_ give back_ the song,

3 -3”_ -3” -3_-3” 3 4___
1. To hear the an____-gels sing.
2. The bles-sed an____-gels sing.
3. And hear the an____-gels sing.
4. And hear the an____-gels sing.
5. Which now the an___-gels sing.

It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Diatonic Solo) Lyrics

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It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Diatonic Solo) Harmonica Tab

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