La Cage Aux Folles Harmonica Tab
La Cage Aux Folles Harmonica Tab
By: Jerry Herman
From: “La Cage Aux Folles”
Key: Bb, G, Bb, C, A, C
Key: Bb
-5 5* -5 -7 7
It’s rath-er gaud-y
5* -5 -7 7 5* -5 -5*
but it’s al-so rath-er grand.
-5 5* -5 -7 -7 5* -5 -7
And while the wait-er pads your check
7 -6* 7 -9
he’ll kiss your hand.
7 -6* 7 -9 8 -6*
The clev-er gi-go-los
7 -9 8 -7* -6*-6 -5*
ro-mance the wealth-y ma-trons
-3* 4 -5 -5 -5
At La Cage Aux Folles.
-5 5* -7 -7 7
It’s slight-ly fort-ies,
5* -5 -7 7 5* -5 -5*
and a lit-tle bit “New Wave”.
-5 5* -5 -7 -7 5* -5 -7
You may be danc-ing with a girl
7 -6* 7 -9
who needs a shave.
7 -6* 7 -9 8
Where both the riff-raff
-6* 7 -9 8 -7* -6* -6 -5*
and the roy-al-ty are pa-trons
-3* 4 -5 -5 -7
At La Cage Aux Folles.
Key: G
-7* -8 -8 -8
La Cage Aux Folles,
-8 -7 7 -6* 6 -5* 6 8 8 8
The Mai-tre d’ is dash-ing, Cage Aux Folles,
8 -8 -7 7 -6* 6* -6*
The hat check girl is flash-ing,
-9 -9 -9 -9 -9 8 -8 8
We im-port the drinks that you buy,
7 -7 -7*-7*-7*-7* -7*-7 7* -7
So the Per-ri-er is Can-a-da Dry.
-5 5* -5 -7 7
Ec-cen-tric coup-les
5* -5 -7 7 5* -5 6
Al-ways punc-tu-ate the scene.
-5 5* -5 -7 7 5* -5 -7 7 -6* 7 -9
A pair of eu-nuchs and a nun with a Ma-rine.
Key: Bb
7 -6* 7 -9 8 -6*
To feel a-live you get
7 -9 8 -7* -6* -9 8
a lim-ou-sine to drive you
-7*-6* 8* -9 7
To La Cage Aux Folles.
Key: C
6 -5* 6 -8 -7 -5*
It’s bad and beau-ti-ful,
6 -8 -7 -5* 6 -6
It’s baw-dy and bi-zarre.
6 -5* 6 -8 -7 -5* 6 -8 -7 7* -7 10
I know a Duch-ess who got preg-nant at the bar.
-7 7* -7 10 -9 7* -7 10
Just who is who and What is What
-9 8 7* 7 -6 5 -5 6 6 6
Is quite the ques-tion at La Cage Aux Folles.
6 -5* 6 -8 -7 -5* 6 -8 -7 -5* 6 -6
Go for the mys-ter-y, the mag-ic and the mood.
6 -5* 6 -8 -7
A-void the hust-lers,
-5* 6 -8 -7 7* -7 10
And the men’s room, and the food.
-7 7* -7 10 -9 7*
For you get glam-our and
-7 10 -9 8 7* 7 -6
Ro-mance and in-di-ges-tion
5 -5 6 6 -8
At La Cage Aux Folles.
Key: A
8 8* 8* 8* 8* -8 -7 7* -6* 6* -6*
La Cage Aux Folles, a St. Tro-pez tra-di-tion,
-9 -9 -9
Cage Aux Folles
-9 8* -8 -7 7* 7 7*
You’ll lose each in-hi-bi-tion,
10 10 10 10 10 -9 9* -9
All week long we’re won-der-ing who
-7 -8 8 8 8 8 8 -8 -7* -8
Left a green Gi-ven-chy gown in the loo.
Key: C
6 -5* 6 -8 -7 -5*
You go a-lone to have
6 -8 -7 -5* 6 -6
the eve’-ning of your life.
6 -5* 6 -8 -7
You meet your mis-tress
-5* 6 -8 -7 7* -7 10
And your boy-friend and your wife.
-7 7*-7 10 -9
It’s a bo-nan-za,
7* -7 10 -9 8 7* 10 -9
it’s a mad ex-tra-va-gan-za,
8 7* -9* 10 -7
At La Cage Aux Folles.
6 -5* 6 -8 -7
You cross the thresh-old
-5* 6 -8 -7 -5* 6 -6
and your bridg-es have been burned.
6 -5* 6 -8 -7
The bar is cheer-ing
-5* 6 -8 -7 7* -7 10
for the Duch-ess has re-turned.
-7 7* -7 10 -9
The mood’s con-ta-gious;
7* -7 10 -9 8
You can bring your whole
7* 7 -6 5 -5 7
Out-ra-geous en-tou-rage
-7 7*-7 10 -9 7* -7 10 -9
It’s so e-clec-tic ef-fer-ves-cent
8 7* 10 -9
And e-lec-tric
8 7* -9* 10 -7
At La Cage Aux Folles.
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