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Spokey Dokey – Cowboy Bebop OST1 Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): Chưa có thông tin
Key: D
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Expert

Spokey Dokey – Cowboy Bebop OST1 Harmonica Tab

Not only is this an amazing blues song, it is featured in one of the
best anime’s to have been released in the past decade. This is the
song that inspired me to learn how to play the harmonica, and every
time I listen to it I discover something new. It is more than worth
your money to purchase the full Cowboy Bebop OST1 soundtrack,
especially if you like jazz and blues. It has taken me a while to
perfect this song, and I still can’t make my harp growl and wail like
the original artist does, who I suspect has been playing the harp
since he/she was a child. But I’m getting close.

Don’t try this song unless you have heard it, and have mastered all
the bends and have good control of the harp.

This song was extremely hard to tab (especially the intro because
there’s no real rythm to it, so it’s hard to indicate the timing on
some of the riffs). It’s also hard to include all the effects, but
I’ve tried to include all the important wah’s, shakes and a few
vibratos; however, definitely listen to the song in order to
appreciate all the subtleties. And as always, play with your gut and
let the harp sing from your heart. See you later space cowboy…

! All bends in this song are draw bends
X ======== draw
X> ======= blow
X^ ======== bend
X^^ ======= 2nd bend
X^^^ ====== full bend on 3 hole
v ======== vibrato
w ======== wah
XH ======= hold
(X&X) ==== two notes played together
(X/X) ==== slurred notes (first note is primary)
~X ======= single note smooth bend transition
X~X^~X === smooth bend transition back and forth (more dashes means a
longer transition)
X+X+X ==== one note sliding into the next
(X_X_X) == extremely fast ‘run’ of sliding notes
X=X ====== shake
X<<< ===== slide down FROM note >>>X ===== slide up TO note
d/<<<>>> = slide up then down in draw
b/<<<>>> = slide up then down in blow
. ======== silence


3^+2 2^+1(w) .. 2(w) 2^ 3>vH ..

2 2 2 2> 2 2 2 2> 2 2 2 2> (All notes slurred)

3=4 4> 4^~4 >>5 5 5> 4=5 4> 4 3=4 4>

4^ (4^_4_4^_3_4>) (~3_4_3_2H)

>>>(6>/5>) 5+5 5> 4 4> 3=4 4> 4^ 4<<<>>>6 6> 6 (4_5_4) 4> 3 3+4> 3=4 4> 4^~4~4^ 3

4> 3=4 4> 4^~4(w) 4^~4 4+4+4+4(w)<< ..(4>/3>)+(4>/3>) 4^~4 4+4 4+4 4

4^ 4 4^ 4 4^ 4 4^ ~4(w) 4+4 4^ 4

4^ 4^ 4> (4>/3) (4>/3>)(H)

~3 4> (4_3^~3_2) 3 4> (4^~4~4^)

4> 3 4> 3 4> 3 4> 3 2_3_(2~~~~2^^)H

2> (2^^~2) 3 4> (4^~4) (4^~4~4^) 4> 6>vH

d<<<>>>5 5(w) b<<<>>> 5> (2>&5>)v

(3/4) (4/3) 4H

5 4^~4(w)~~~~(4^_3_2)H

3> (3&4)(w)_3 4>(w) (4^~4~4^) (3_4_3_2)H


3^~~3^^+2^ 3^(w)H

2> 2 3 4> 4^~4~4^ 3^ (4_3_2) 2 2 (2>_1>_2>) 1 1H

2^+2^ (3^~3^^+2^) 3^ 3^ (3^^~3^~3^^)+2 3^^H

2> 2 3^ 4> (4_5_4^~4~4^) 4> 4 3^ (2_3_2) 3> (2>_1>_2>) 1H

3^~~3^^ 2^(w) 3^H 2>(w) 2 3^ 3^^+3> (2>_1>_2>) 1H

2>+3> 3^(w)~~3^^ 2^ 3^H

5 4_4^ 4>(w) ~3(w) 2 2^_1^ (3>&6>)H


4> 4=5(w) b<<>>4> 4> 4> 4(w) 4^ 4(w) 4^+3

3^~~~3^^(w) . 3^(w) 3^^ 2^ 2^ 2^^_1H~~~1^

3 4> 4^ 4 5 (all slurred) 6>

(6>/7>) 5 4=5 4> 3=4(w) 4> 4^~4~~~~(4^_3^_2)

3^~3^^(w) 3^~3^^(w) 3^~3^^+2^H


3^~~3^^(w) 2^(w) 3^H

(2>_1>_2>) 3> 2> 3> 2> 3>

(3^^~3^~3^^+2 3^ 3> 3> (2>_1>_2>) 1 1H~~~~~~1^

2>+2 3^~~3^^ 2^ 3^H 2> 2 3 4> 4^~4H

(4^~4~4^) 4> 4 3^^~~3~ 3=4

2^+2^ 3^ 3^ 3^ (3^^~3^~3^^)+2 3^^H

3(w) 4 5> 4<<< 2>(w) 2(w) 3^~~3(w) 2(w) 2>(w) 1H

2> 3> 3^ 4^ 4 4^ 4H (3^~3^^)+2+(3^^~3^~3^^)+2


>>>>5 4^~4H~~~~~4^ . 4>(w) 4 3^ 3> 6>H

(slurr 5> twice at the very end).

Spokey Dokey – Cowboy Bebop OST1 Lyrics

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Spokey Dokey – Cowboy Bebop OST1 Harmonica Tab

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